Tuck & Cover by S.J.D. Peterson
Tuck & Cover by S.J.D. Peterson

Tuck & Cover by S.J.D. Peterson

A suspicious man, Angus is worried when someone steals the Tucks' horse, and he is also very concerned about getting Winnie back to her family.

Tuck & Cover by S.J.D. Peterson

In addition, he says that because he and his family can't die, they're no different than rocks or inanimate objects that don't change. He takes her out onto the pond after supper and tries to impress upon her that it's absolutely necessary for everything to grow, change, and die, as that's the only way that the cycle of life and the cycles of nature can continue and support the world's inhabitants. Winnie is afraid of him at first, but Angus is thrilled to have a real child in the house again. He dreams of being in heaven and when he later looks at the body of the man in the yellow suit, he feels envious. He's a sad and withdrawn man, which the narrator suggests is because he's unhappy with his life as an immortal.

Tuck & Cover by S.J.D. Peterson

Angus (sometimes referred to as simply Tuck) is Mae's husband and the father of Jesse and Miles.

Tuck & Cover by S.J.D. Peterson